Your Voice Of Encouragement

November 2020 Adore The LORD OCFC Worship



Adore The LORD Online Christian Faith Community, did you know that there is Power in being thankful! Did you read the scripture at 1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  Today, on this very first Day of November, we will Take the Time during this worship Service to express our Gratitude to our Mighty God because we live in the very center of God’s will with our thankful hearts. We will show forth our attitude of gratitude with our prayers, the songs we sing, and manner in which we attentively receive God’s worth in a spirit of appreciation.  Even though we are in the midst of this horrible Covid-19 Pandemic and social unrest, we still Take the time to thank the Lord because we know that GOD is good and GOD has been good to us.