Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prayer for a Wise and Sound Mind



Prayer Champions, as we continue to shelter in place during this COVID-19 Pandemic, we need godly wisdom to make good decisions about when it is safe to move about in public again. I want to urge you to take the social distancing advice seriously. Please, please, please, don’t put other people’s lives at risk. Keep your distance. The advice about social distancing is designed to saves lives. A younger woman who thought she was doing a good deed by taking some things to an older woman’s home was now infected with the coronavirus. She was a-symptomatic when she visited but could have also infected, the older 68-year-old woman who is also a cancer survivor. Thankfully the older woman's test came back that she does not have it. Praise God! If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5, NKJV