Your Voice Of Encouragement

The Precious Prize Book Discussions - Adultery & Secrets



The Precious Prize Book Discussions are interviews with ‘The 12’ who each talk about one of the topics or challenges encountered in the plot. Joya is our central character who embarks upon a roller coaster week of self-discovery.  She has mysteriously suffered each year with acute sadness for the entire month of June. To find her answers, she must confront the demons of her past and examine her faith in the Lord. She is forced to take a closer look at her marriage, her career, and where life is leading her. By the end of the week, Joya is a wealthy woman with a brand new direction for her life! The topics covered are; Adultery & Marriage, Depression in Christians, Counseling and Therapy, Office Politics, Friends and Frienemies, Tragedy and Gun Violence, Money & Debt, Secrets in Relationships, Generational Curses, Travel, Dreams & Interpretations, and Workplace Romances.