Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prosperity Prayer



Some have become discouraged because life has happened and it seems that the enemy has snuck in and stolen many of our blessings. Some are struggling each month to make ends meet to meet the financial obligations of paying for the basic needs of rent or mortgage, food, clothing, transportation, and everything it takes to successfully run a household. Others are dealing with healthcare issues, doctor’s visits, the high cost of daily medications and other complications brought about due to illness. There are some who have lost jobs and never recovered because the company downsized, or got rid of all of its older workforces. Still, others have lost homes or suffered damage due to weather catastrophes and have to rebuild. And the list goes on. That’s why today, we are praying the Prosperity Prayer. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1;2, NKJV