Your Voice Of Encouragement

Love God Prayer Champions



Prayer Champions, we must each examine our own heart. We understand that loving God is the First thing and the most important thing we can do to serve God! We are talking about the noun and verb form of the word love. It is an active word and requires action on our part. This love that we have for God is an intense feeling of deep affection. It is not passive, nor is it strictly emotional, but it is our active response in faithfulness to God. The bible teaches us that out of the heart flows the issues of life, good or the bad.  That’s why we must love God with our entire heart, not half-hearted, but wholeheartedly. The heart is the seat of life and the central place of emotion, will, and intentions! The Dictionary of theological terms defines agape or the highest form of love as a primary characteristic of GOD. This love is the supreme expression of Christian faith and action. Love as a noun means we can describe it and observe it. The beauty of it is we can also see it in action. Love is the greatest thing w