Your Voice Of Encouragement

2020 The Year of Precision Vision!



Prayer Champions, I want to encourage you! Do not cast away your confidence. Despite everything we see around us, we have crossed over to a brand new decade. 2020 is The Year of Precision Vision! We must be grateful that we have our lives and that things are as well as they are! We can thank and praise God that not only will we see in the natural, but God is granting us the supernatural anointing that conveys precisely the revelation for our lives. We can see clearly and will not be deceived if we continue to trust God and pray for the correct and unflawed directions for our paths. This is the year to pray for guidance and not to lean on our own understanding. This is the time to acknowledge God in all of our ways. This is the year that we forgo indecision, instead, we walk with perfect vision, precision vision, 20/20 vision as we sharpen our prayer lives to accurately address the areas in our personal lives that need prayer. if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My