Your Voice Of Encouragement

Fervent Prayer



Prayer Champions, God wants us to lay aside every weight so that we may run the race set before us with patience. We let God release us and set us free from bondage. Our days of oppression and dishonor are over. We accomplished this through times of intimate and passionate prayer. We always seek God in prayer about every decision in our lives; then we obediently follow God's leading. At every fork in the road and every twist of fate, we trust God. Because we abide in the Lord and devote ourselves to studying the Word, God releases us to walk in new levels of fullness, prosperity, celebration, and joy.  As Prayer Champions, we are now entitled to enjoy certain privileges and are empowered to succeed in Christ. We can rest assured that God will prosper us and elevate us. With God’s help, our lives will move forward much better than they are going thus far. "...pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16b, NKJV