Your Voice Of Encouragement

I Am Blessed Prayer



Prayer Champions, we must declare that we are indeed blessed and highly favored of the Lord! Based on our intimate relationship with God derived from the promises in the Bible, we know that God hears our prayers and will grant our petitions as we walk uprightly before the Lord. Where the SPIRIT of the LORD is, there is liberty and emancipation from bondage. The enemy is defeated. JESUS broke the chains of injustice, got rid of exploitation against HIS chosen, and has canceled the debt of sin. We are deeply loved for all eternity. Because the LORD our GOD has blessed us, we will be blessed wherever we go.  GOD will answer us before we call; and while we are still talking to GOD about our needs, HE will go ahead and answer our prayers. !  Remember as we pray today that God is not slack concerning HIS promises and will keep us far from oppression. GOD will rejoice over each of us to do us good!  Prayer Champions, GOD will not allow any weapon against us to prosper!  GOD will open doors for us!