Your Voice Of Encouragement

Adore The LORD, OCFC November 2019 Worship



When we talk about our God, we say that Our God is Awesome! Our God is Amazing! Our God is Wonderful and Omnipotent! But our God is so much more than that. Our God is able to bless us, Immediately, At Once, and Without Delay! We are a fellowship of Christian believers who love The LORD Our GOD with all of our heart, soul, and mind. (Matthew 22:37, NKJV) Our mission is to worship The LORD Our GOD in Spirit and in Truth, broadcasting over the airwaves with those who are homebound or without church homes. (John 4:23, NKJV) We express our adoration of The LORD in worship through our passionate prayers, perpetual praise, and prophetic preaching of the Word of GOD. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 34:1, 2 Timothy 4:2) In obedience to The Great Commission, we send forth our broadcast to make disciples of all nations and in remembrance of our LORD’S passion, we join together in Holy Communion. (Matthew 28:19, Luke 22:19)