Your Voice Of Encouragement

Your Life As A Book



Prayer Champions, I want you to consider yourselves writers. I want each of you to think about your life and the testimony of your life as the book you are writing.  Based on what you feel right now, what would be the title of your book?  What is the overall mood or theme of your book or your story! Is it uplifting, joyful, exciting, peaceful, dark, gloomy, hopeful, or loving? Are you thankful for your life with an attitude of gratitude? What about some of the wonderful places you have been and the great times you had. Are you thankful for God’s presence in your life? Do you recognize the times God rescued you and turned difficult situations in your favor? No matter the challenges, continue to give thanks daily. Do not allow one single act of kindness to go unacknowledged. Find the hidden blessing in everything you encounter. Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. Philippians 4:11, RSV