Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prayer Champions, Your Family Matters



Prayer Champions, Your Family Matters!  A woman’s family is held together by her wisdom, but it can be destroyed by her foolishness.  Proverbs 14:1, CEV Godly wisdom brings meaning and enjoyment in life and guarantees success. Every person upon recognizing the limits of human knowledge should desire godly wisdom. Exercise your privilege now. Ask God for wisdom today! God promises to give it to anyone who asks. The commentary in the Message Bible’s introduction of Proverbs says, “Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we ?nd ourselves.” Godly wisdom is necessary for every facet of a successful and prosperous life. It determines how we handle our personal and family relationships, ?nances, careers, and even how we cultivate emotions. Godly wisdom teaches us how to honor our bodies and guard our health. We also use wisdom to activate the promises and provisions of GOD. The wisdom that comes from heaven is pure, considerate, submissive, and full of good fruit. Heavenly wisdom loves p