Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prayer Champions Prophetic Prayer



Have you ever had a dream that caused you to wake up with feelings of foreboding or anxiety about the future? Did you ever dream of someone and feel as if they were in imminent danger and needed to be warned? What about dreams that made you feel sad, or afraid or angry, or any to cause you to wake up weeping? Prayer Champions, sometimes as intercessory prayers God will prompt us to pray for someone based on a message or impression we receive in our dreams. Prophetic Prayer is praying is that is prompted by God and accomplished with the help of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes God will send a warning through dreams, or impressions. We are not to react in fear or alarm, but as Prayer Champions we are to respond with a prayer of bold faith. The dreams may appear fuzzy or unclear about what things may mean. Perhaps all you can recall is who was in the dream and the emotions that surfaced from the dream. Whatever the situation, as the people prompted by God to intercede on behalf of others, we need the Holy Spirit to sp