Your Voice Of Encouragement

Praying After The Storm



After the storm – be encouraged and thankful for your life! You have survived! And despite what has happened, GOD longs to bless you still.  Although catastrophe and chaos may seem to abound in every direction, a ray of hope is always present. Although your natural life may be altered by the weather disasters, you can embrace a more powerful spiritual life and start to build something brand new. If you already believe, do not cast away your confidence. God has not abandoned you. From this moment forward, live your life under GOD’S protection and securely within the family of believers. Let your faith grow! Don’t be afraid of what lies ahead. Speak words of love, joy, and peace over your life! Be thankful for even the small things and wonderful acts of kindness that will begin to show up for you! Expect GOD’S favor to perfect those things which concern you! “Don't be afraid.  I have rescued you.    I have called you by name;    now you belong to me. When you cross deep rivers,   I will be with you, and you won