Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 248 - AV Solo 10.0 | Top 20 Things I Learned In 2021



I started writing these reflections in 2017. I met my now wife, Chandni, in the middle of 2018, and at the end of every year I’ll ask her, “has this been your best year yet?” And every year, my answer has always been a resounding yes.   I couldn’t imagine getting to the end of the year and not thinking, “damn, who was I a year ago?!” Before I write my top learnings for the year, I look back at past entries and check if I’ve taken forward the learnings. Some are a work in progress - like managing my sleep and stress. Others feel like a different lifetime - from my way of thinking, view of life and personal development.   Without further ado, let’s dive in…   Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to “RNT Fitness Radio” and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts:      Apple Podcasts   Stitcher iHeart Radio Spotify    For any podcast suggestions, or if you’d like to get in touch, please do so on podcast@rntfitness.com here. We’d love to hear from you!      If you’re in