Rose City Forum With Timothy Moore

Rose City Forum with Timothy Moore - Dr. Lori Salierno, Celebrate Life Int.



Rose City Forum Wed 11/9/2016 12 Noon LIVE on KKPZ 1330 AM & 97.5 FM (LIVE FEED - TeeMo welcomes guest Dr. Lori Salierno CEO, Celebrate Life International & this years Keynote Speaker at the 15th Annual Clark County Prayer Breakfast. Friday November 11th, 2016 7-9 AM Hilton Downtown Vancouver, WA. This years theme - Hope for the Next Generation! Dr. Salierno is the co-creator of Teach One to Lead One. A life changing character and leadership development for adolescence and youth. Join us, 12 Noon LIVE on KKPZ 1330 AM & 97.5 FM (LIVE FEED -