Distraction Point

Live Tonight with DK ep3 with Slyvia Shults and Kevin Coolidge



Thanks so much for joining us again. Let the adventure begin! Tonight DK and Al the producer have two special guests. First up its Sylvia Shults author of 44 years of darkness. Slyvia gives us a look at the history of the Peoria state hospital, she tells us why she was so afraid of the dark, and a friend who was possessed by a demon. Then its Kevin Coolidge he is the author of Operation Ragnorak. Lets talk viking lore and dungeons and dragons. Whats it like to sell books in todays digital age. All this and so much more. Live Tonight With DK airs live every Sunday at 9pm eastern on the HeyZ radio network and Tuesday nights at 10pm eastern on the podcast radio network. You can find all about Slyvia Shults and her work here https://sylviashults.wordpress.com/ and be sure to check Kevin Coolidge out here http://www.wellsborobookstore.com/ More adventures next week. See you then