Large Marge Sent Us

282. Can't Hardly Wait



We couldn't wait to start off 2022 by watching ... Can't Hardly Wait, a late 90s high school movie that has a pretty crazy ensemble cast, a sweet 90s hits soundtrack, and will give you night sweats thinking about how much you loved your JNCO jeans.  From 1998, Can't Hardly Wait is a party movie centered around the night after graduation when Preston Meyers tries to woo the love of his high school fantasy life Amanda once he finds out she has just broke up with her long term, dick faced boyfriend Mike. Chaos ensues! The beer is bad! And is Barry Manilow's song Amanda really about his dog? We talk about our experience with high school parties, take a deep dive into the band Smash Mouth, and talk about other bands and singers we are now embarrassed that we were into as kids.  Where the party at?!