Kitty Talks

2022 Energy Forecast with Jane Alton



Aloise Surfleet-Middleton interviews Jane Alton, a Professional Numerologist and Esoteric Tarot Consultant and Teacher in this second 2022 Energy Forecast Podcast Series...Jane tells us that everything is in a constant state of flux, evolving in cycles and it all comes down to vibration. Numbers can be the most effective way to monitor and define this movement. ❤️ SIGN UP FOR 2022 ENERGY FORECAST TO BE SENT TO YOUR INBOX!! Useful tools, numbers are also sacred symbols. Pythagoras is said to be the father of modern numerology and that was over 500 years ago before Christ! It’s believed that numbers were also used before words, with many of the ancient texts written in numbers and symbols. It makes sense then that we look at ourselves and the planet in terms of numbers, and how they translate. 2020 for instance, numerically forced us to look within. That very clearly played out too!2022 is a co-ordinator, it’s about taking responsibili