Travelin Granny-globe Trotting Memoirs

Travelin Granny-Globe Trotting Memoirs, A Modern Arranged Marriage



Sounds like something out of the 16th Century but this is a 1980 marriage of two Indian Americans. 34 years later it could be said that some times the in laws no more in advance if a marriage can work than the couple themselves.| Sunita Pandit, Saroj Gopal Kulkarn's daughter and Dr. Santosh Pandit are a happy outcome of an arranged marriage in a time when most Westerners find it archaic.| This episode is a prelude of more to come in the late February, 2015 of Saroj Gopal Kulkarni's memoirs of her early life in India and Odyssey to the United States as a young bride. Watch for release of Saris and Soap Operas.