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From Bipolar And Suicidal to Living a Good Life: Ross Szabo



"Someone who is stressed out needs mental health as much as someone who has bipolar disorder."There are few subjects as delicate as mental disorders and the best way to treat them.I'm guessing most of us tend to avoid the topic in general, we're pretty ignorant about what is involved.Until it affects us or someone we're close to it.That's why I was so interested in learning from today's guest.Ross Szabo is living proof that living with a mental disorder, in his case bipolar, does not have to define or isolate you.Through extreme mood swings, substance-abuse, denial, secrecy and erratic, sometimes harmful behavior and thoughts (as well as see his brother go through the same), Ross eventually found his way back to a dynamic peace with bipolar, and devoted his life to becoming a national advocate for better mental health education.His story is powerful and raw and he shares an honest look into what it's like to "feel the tentacles" of your disorder creeping up on you.We discuss his process of working through sel