
Here there be Monsters Part 1



Fixed the media issues and republished. Like many of our subjects, obscured by media, Hollywood, and modern fantasy, fables of the dragon languish behind fictional depictions of physical manifestations of fire breathing winged serpents, most are content to regurgitate Tolkien like fairytales. The Dragon of folklore is a far richer and vibrant creature. For instance, two troupes normally follow the dragon where ever he is found around the world is that he is prone to be found around water rather than to breath fire and if slain, their body melts away leaving a putrid stench. The Chinese dragon which was often praised for ending droughts by chasing clouds into the much-needed areas and has also been known to fall dead from the sky at times, and the villagers in reverence would cover its body with straw mats. It would disappear shortly after. In the aforementioned tale of Tiamat, she was the embodiment of the salt-waters, the originator of all life. Music by Kevin Macleod "Shad