David Hathaway

The Age of Miracles, Part 2



Our God is a healer! I know He still works miracles. My life is the evidence! Many of you know my story of lung cancer, 2002/3. I said to the Lord, “I cannot go back into Russia and preach this Gospel from this Book if I have had chemotherapy or my lung removed, because I have to be the witness of Your Power!” That’s why God healed me! I was 70, coming up for 71, at the time, now I'm nearly 90! I said, “Lord, if I’m too old, if you don’t need me anymore, take me Home. But Lord, if you still want me down here, then You’ve got to work a miracle.” And God did. And I would suggest that the biggest miracles came after 2003. Let’s get back to the Authority of the Word of God. We have no other foundation. If you build a church on any other foundation than the Authority of the Word of God, you’re building it on sinking sand.