Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

213. Makhosi Hefisah Nejeser: Focus On Who You Have To BE - Not What You Have To DO



“I actually don't want to try to be divine. I want to try to be as human as possible.” Welcome to the first interview of 2022! Traditionally, this time of year is potent for goal setting because January represents a fresh start. In the past, I’ve been used to setting clearly defined goals and I’ve had a lot of success with the process. However, as I feel more deeply into a more holistic way of creation, I’m discovering new ways to spark growth and evolution. In this episode, my good friend Makhosi and I explore why the most rich and fulfilling life starts with YOU. We discuss the different energetics that you can weave into the way you create your life - opening a gateway for Euphoric Evolution. This episode is a doozy and I’m so excited for you to dive in and kick-start your 2022 with the ideas and concepts we present.  “Who you are is most evident when there aren't people around.” Makhosi is a powerhouse with one of the strongest energetic presences I’ve ever experienced.&