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94 | Creating Boundaries | Shorts by BBC



Our latest BBC shorts is about Creating Boundaries. The pandemic has accelerated the idea of home / remote working and it’s here to stay. It’s given us the flexibility to create a more blended approach to our work and home lives, like bringing the kids to school, doing a load of laundry, grabbing a coffee or going to a doctor's appointment.  BUT… We’re missing the downtime commuting gave us. We need to take that time back and do something we enjoy, like read a book, call someone up on the phone, listen to a podcast or just chill out! AND… We’ve not been great at creating and maintaining boundaries. A lot of us are working more hours, but are we being effective by doing so?  When you finish work for the day, actually STOP. Decide a time that your workday ends and leave it there – no laptop, phone, email, chat, you get the picture. Turn the notifications OFF.   Make time for yourself – Schedule in (YOUR CALENDAR) some time for you. The time you will use to rest, process and recharge.  And, hey, you’re allowed t