Kitty Talks

2022 Energy Forecast with RP Astrology



We are all here for our fullest, highest evolution. By watching this Energy Series, you are actively seeking to understand and are taking action on your evolutionary journey…Sign up to the free 2022 Energy Forecast Series which includes Workbook and access to 9 Interview Podcasts Surfleet-Middleton interviews Richard Stephens A self-taught astrologer who mainly uses Western Astrology. Richard is conscious of the law of attraction and quantum physics, and as such, aware that we influence or create our realities. He says that Astrology sets the scene, yet we play the part - influenced, yet influencing. Listen to Richard here in 2022 Energy Forecast Podcast Series...Richard opens this podcast with a clear explanation on which planets are moving this year, when, and how they can influence us both individually and collectively. He moves on to explain that predominately this year is about massive transformations, all moving towards the Great Awakening and push