Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Biodegradable Pooch Paper



Do you have a dog? Wonder how long it takes for that poop bag to biodegrade? Eons.Well I did until I met Tracey who created Pooch Paper, the first biodegradable paper pooch paper. Tracey is slowly changing the world of poop. Yep I said it again.Dive into our conversation about how she created Pooch Paper, where it's being sold ( like everywhere) and how she is expanding into dog parks and city parks with her Pooch Paper dispensers, all to help our landfills degrade faster.Tracey is passionate about Pooch Paper and I just love her attitude.Made in the USA, Pooch Paper is a recycled, non-chlorine bleached paper alternative to single-use plastic dog waste bags. Our sheets are 100% biodegradable, 100% compostable and are manufactured using renewable energy. Our fluorochemical-free, oil and grease resistant coating is made naturally during the pulp drying process in order to ensure your doggie’s doodie remains inside the paper and not on your hand! Most manufactured products contain PFAS chemicals that are nea