Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Beat jet lag and feel more alive. With entrepreneur Timo Ahopelto #52



Today is Zestology podcast number 52, which means we've been going a year. It's flown by, and been a lot of fun in the process. Thank you for being part of the journey, supporting me along the way, and hopefully getting some inspiration as you listen.Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you know I always like to put myself in the line of fire and test out any new gadgets for extra energy. (I'm such a hero, right.) But this one I was super-sceptical about. It is a crazy in-ear bright light energy headset called The Human Charger. I just wasn't convinced that a gadget that shines lights into my ears would do anything for me. It sends bright light into your ear which is apparently as good as seeing it and especially good for jet lag and winter mornings. The funny thing, despite my total scepticism, is I've been using this for a couple of months and for the mornings I've tried it I've felt a definite extra morning buzz. So in the deep midwinter, I wanted to find out more about the effects of a lack of light in winter, h