Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Worry no more - start living with ease with Life Coach Bruce Van Horn #41



How do you live with optimism? How do you define positive energy? What does 'living with ease' really mean. Today's podcast is one of the more emotional I've recorded. Bruce Van Horn has had plenty of ups, and some plunging downs over his life, and his story is shocking and uplifting. Bruce is a motivational life coach, entrepreneur, and author of the book Worry No More!  He’s cultivated a 4-step plan for his readers to stop worrying and start living with ease because, as he says, "life’s marathon, not a sprint". He has 400,000 followers on Twitter, and he's one of the most retweeted people on the planet. Listen on for an emotional chat with one of America's top life coaches. JOIN the Zestology MAILING LIST by going to our website (http://www.tonywrighton.com) Connect with Tony on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/tonywrighton If you love the show, please take a moment to rate & review it on iTunes. We appreciate that so much.  You can also go to http://www.tonywrighton.com for show notes, online stream