Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

8 need to know nutrition facts with celebrity nutritionist and world-famous soprano Rhiannon Lambert #31



Should you go low fat or high fat? Are protein shakes good for you? Is being vegetarian and vegan healthier? The answers to these questions and many more coming up today - on a need to know basis. Rhiannon Lambert has an amazing story, and was an excellent guest to interview. At the age of 16 she was plucked from obscurity to become one of the UK’s leading sopranos. Catapulted into a glamorous world, she became famous for her voice. She’d made a hugely successful career for herself, but behind the scenes, was struggling with the pressure. She tells this story today on Zestology, and how she started to get involved in nutrition, healthy eating and wellbeing. She now still sings all around the world - in fact as you’ll hear she’s singing at the Rugby World Cup this week - and combines that with a successful career in nutrition. Her online blogs and social media sites are hugely popular, she works as a nutritional consultant from two different clinics on Harley Street, with olympic athletes, celebrities, NHS h