Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Live for 1000 years with scientist and author Dr. Aubrey de Grey #28



Could you live to 1000? Would you want to? Today's Zestology podcast guest makes some extraordinary claims. Cambridge scientist and researcher Dr. Aubrey de Grey argues that aging is merely a disease and a curable one too. He talks about a post-ageing world. Humans age in seven basic ways, he says, all of which can be reversed, eventually. He is a celebrated and controversial scientist and researcher, and he says the first person to live to 1000 might be alive already. Amazing prospect. You could be 30,40,50 now and you could live to 150, or even 1000. Crazy, right? But that is what Aubrey De Grey is suggesting will happen. His popular TED talk on the subject has had hundreds of thousands of views. He is definitely a maverick and controversial, and this is a must-listen Zestology. When you listen you'll hear: Living with more energy What does a post-aging society look like? [4:20] Stem cells as a way to treat Parkinson’s disease [8:10] Improving people’s quality and quantity of life [14:20] What to look forw