Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Feeling energetic and hot! With Thyroid Pharmacist Dr. Izabella Wentz #21



Did you know that taking a simple sauna twice a week could spark a complete change in your energy levels? (Hence the title of this blog.) This just one of the interesting, unusual and crazy ideas in today's Zestology Podcast. Interested in making some small changes for big results? Listen/read on. My guest is someone with a wide amount of expertise in this area. Dr Izabella Wentz has written a hugely popular and well received book on Hashimotos. (Never heard of Hashimotos? It turns out that Hashimotos is really much more common than anyone thought so we look at that at the start of the show). We also dive straight in general health improvements and yes, sauna therapy. We go into this into a bit of depth, including the uh, sauna incident that left Dr Wentz rather surprised and shocked. And surprise surprise, it’s a regular theme, we look at nutrition and health and the role that has to play in your overall wellbeing and energy levels. It’s one of those shows where we go deep, especially at the start, and I lov