Sermon Podcast

“Disciple” Message 1-16-22



Point: Jesus told His church to go make disciples. In order to be obediently effective in this we must agree that a discipler to Jesus Christ must actively be a disciple of Jesus who is consistently being discipled in Jesus Christ. Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 1:1-4 Questions: 1. Read Matthew 29:18-20. Are you being discipled right now? Explain. Further Discussion: Who is discipling you and what does that look like? Consider: If you aren’t being discipled, who do you know who could disciple you? 2. Have you ever discipled anyone? If so, what did that look like? Explain. Further Discussion: What are some hesitations you have when it comes to discipleship? Consider: If you aren’t discipling anyone, who do you know who you could disciple? 3. Why is discipleship so important? Explain. Further Discussion: What is at stake if every person in the church doesn’t engage in discipleship - being discipled and making disciples? Consider: What is at stake for you personally if you don’t engage in