Sermon Podcast

“The Warrior (Part 2)” Message 1-9-22



Point: If you know what you will die for then you will know what you need to stand and fight for. Scripture: Ephesians 6:13-23 Questions: 1. How is each piece of the armor found in Jesus Christ? Explain. 2. How does the armor of God allow you to stand firm? Explain. Further Discussion: Read verses 10 and 13. How does the strength of God and the armor of God work together? Consider: Where do you struggle to stand firm? What piece of armor can help you with that? Explain how. 3. Read verses 18-20. How does prayer put you in the fight? Give examples. Further Discussion: Why is prayer essential to a relationship with Jesus Christ? Explain. Consider: Have you ever struggled with prayer? Why or why not? What are some ways we can see prayer working? Give examples. 4. Sermon Application: Conviction: How did the sermon (or this Scripture) challenge you personally? Be specific. Character: What about you needs to change in light of what you’ve learned? Be honest and specific. Competence: What is you