Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Herbs for Psychological First Aid



It may not have occurred to you that “psychological first aid” is even a thing, let alone that there might be herbs for psychological first aid! But let us assure you, it is very real and very important, and herbs can play a leading role.When working as a street medic or first responder, you’ll soon find that at least as many of the issues people need help with are mental/emotional as are physical. Bleeding wounds & broken bones get all the attention, but panic attacks, trauma-triggers, and uprushing grief, fear, or anger all require attention too. Herbs can help!In this podcast, Katja shares her favorite herbs for psychological first aid, along with some helpful strategies for framing traumatic situations and helping people define and direct their own stories about the experience. Listen in and learn a few allies who might help you – or help you help others – when some psych first aid is needed!The Emergent Responder Program is a deep dive into these concepts at the intersection of personal preparedness