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GOD-BREATHED - pt3 - Breathe Deep For Daily Success



In “Breathe Deep For Daily Success”, Rodney shares that it is time for you to breathe deep. Dying people have shallow breathing. Want to live? Breathe deep. No more shallow breathing - spiritually. This year is the time you must breathe deep the scriptures, for they are living and powerful. Many people keep the Bible a closed book – coffee table. Your daily success will be determined by your daily application and obedience to God’s word. Reading the Bible will give us clarity, courage, and courage to act in faith. So, be strong and courageous. Obey and study all the instructions in the scriptures, the word of God. “Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do… For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:8-9). Start today – breathe deep.