Second Shot With Heath Oakes

Ep. 249 The man who thinks he can solve the world's poverty, Michael Faye



We're taking a ‘second shot’ at giving, and potentially, how to solve poverty around the world. Michael Faye is the co-founder of GiveDirectly, which is the largest nonprofit that lets donors send cash directly via mobile money transfers to people living in poverty. To date, they’ve distributed more than $500 million. It’s a concept Jack Dorsey has invested in and Mackenzie Scott (former wife of Jeff Bezos) has contributed to. Faye says what people have been doing wrong when it comes to poverty is that they assume we know what people need, instead of giving them cash to make the decisions themselves. Don't forget -- the TV version of Second Shot airs Thursday in Dallas on CW-33 TV! To connect with the Second Shot crew, visit or All episodes are available on ALL podcast platforms. To connect with GiveDirectly, visit