More Than Movies

S01E20: Stephen King, Philosophy, Submarine



Top 3 Turf War - 00:24 The Dark Tower comes out this Friday so we talk about the best Stephen King adaptations and the Stephen King stories we want to see made or remade again. What’s new with us! - 17:53 In America people really do spontaneously break out in patriotic chants. It’s beautiful and also strange (well… for someone who is new to the country). Interwebs - 20:58 James Franco is known for being a consummate student of life, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s launched a youtube channel to bring modern philosophy to the masses. Film Freaks - 25:06 We watched Submarineand we’re excited to talk about it. Next time join us, as we watchWhat Would Diplo Do. Series Survival - 33:33 This is the final update for the mid-season predictions. And it’s final… Ivana has won! Iron Fist (Netflix) - Renewed Harlots (Hulu) - Renewed Dear White People (Netflix) - Renewed Outro - 38:05 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to our first podcast, and we really want to hear from you, good or bad! ww