Healing Ties From The Bow Tie Guy

26-HT 2.0: 30in30 Featuring Deb Kelsey-Davis & Kelly Johnson from Nourish For Caregivers



Happy Thanks-Caregiving and welcome to Season 8, Episode 26 of Healing Ties 2.0, 30 podcasts in 30 days celebrating National Family Caregivers month featured on the Whole Care Network.Our special Thanksgiving podcast features Deb Kelsey-Davis and Kelly Johnson from Nourish Caregivers. Enriched by faith together, Kelly and Deb founded Nourish for Caregivers whose mission is to support and empower caregivers through the gift of faith. Nourish provides tools and resources to churches and healthcare organizations to minister to family caregivers’ practical, emotional and spiritual needs, addressing the most common and challenging issues caregivers face. Nourish, today, is in 70+ locations across the country. Deb and Kelly’s mission is to see family caregivers have the resources and spiritual support they need in their very own local communities.Listen in and learn how Deb and Kelly are creating Healing Ties all around us!