Healing Ties From The Bow Tie Guy

The Sandwich Generation



On Thursday, July 25 at 8:00 pm (est) I am pleased to welcome Sherri Snelling, CEO and founder of the Caregiving Club to 'Be A Healthy Caregiver' on Blog Talk Radio!  Sherri is a nationally recognized expert on America’s 65 million family caregivers with special emphasis on how to help caregivers balance self-care while caring for a loved one. She is a caregiving contributor for the Huffington Post, Forbes.com, USA Today Weekend Magazine, PBS/Next Avenue, Examiner.com, MariaShiriver.com, Alzheimer's Association, MORE,  EmpowerHER.  Sherri is also the creator of the Me Time Monday? weekly videos in support of the non-profit Healthy Monday's Campaign, andcreator, producer and host of a cable TV program, Handle With Care. Sherri’s passion for helping caregivers is both professional and personal.  In addition to her work as an advocate for caregivers, Sherri was back-up caregiver for her mom with her maternal grandparents and is currently caring for a father who is in hospice care. As Caregivers, we all know the