Rad Radio

Rob's Soapbox - Hey Pope Francis: F&*K YOU



I’ll start with a few admissions and caveats. I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of organized religion. I’ve dabbled in most of them, ranging from the modern, mainstream “hip” version of Christianity (where they encourage patrons to wear jeans and play Christian rock music at mass) to the Assembly of God (Pentecostals). I’ve attended Baptist, Mormon, and Episcopalian churches and I’m one of the very few people I know who has actually read the Qur'an.In the end, spirituality is for me, but not organized religion and believe you me, there is a very stark difference. Religion is the process and practice of humans telling other humans what to believe and how God will react…not to mention the collection of endless amounts of money along the way. I am, instead, like the majority of our founding fathers were, a deist; meaning that I acknowledge the existence of a supreme being and/or creator and who or what that looks like is not of your god damned business (pun intended). Deists also believe that this supreme be