Rugby Pickem

Jalen Tatum - Rugby ATL



What if I told you the future of Rugby ATL was a lacrosse convert, who's ripped up & shredded (like cheese), loves a good bump off, ... oh yeah and he's not just a great dude, but also perhaps a fashion and trend setting icon ..... ? It's Jalen Tatum and he's heading towards a try zone near you! Don't you DARE Run it Straight at this Man. Jalen and I linked up this past fall in the U-23 pathways camp. From the moment he showed up to the camp, I had a feeling there was something special to this absolute unit of a player. A lacrosse convert, Jalen dropped this stick and opted for the more physical game of rugby, cutting his teeth at Kennesaw State University. He learned quick and has blossomed into a backs coach's wet dream: A winger who can run around you or through you. After spending an entire year with Rugby ATL and going uncapped, Jalen looks to cement himself into the week to week lineup in the 2022 campaign were the franchise hopes to retain their claim atop the Eastern conference. The road to succes