Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

George Wendt On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



So what's 9 years between a star and a stalker? George Wendt was worth the wait and then some. It's been a rough week, a rough month, a rough two years... this time with George was the antidote to the heavy crap that's overshadowed seemingly everything. George was fun, hysterical, surprising, a little shocking, informative, self-effacing, entertaining, and a whole lot of other great adjectives. For a man whose future was based on “What won’t I hate?” he sure made good for himself. 6 Emmy nominations, three starring roles on Broadway, innumerable screen and stage appearances from high Art, to schtick, George’s iconic, NORM! to his Chicago Super Fan, The Bears! George is cross-generationally cherished, and beloved. And, it’s deserved. What a damn delight. Got the pandemic blues? Treat yourself to some “TV star who’s also just a regular guy.” One who had a 0.00 GPA at his dad’s alma mater, slept on the streets of some of the world’s most exotic cities, swept floors at Second City to becoming one of the most