What's In The News Robin

VLOG! Retro Skiing! NIH Backs Vaping! 30MM Fatality LE RTA tooooo! QP Designs!



Well hello and welcome! Time for some hot vape VLOG DAY action. ReplayCrew those timestamps are the first pinned comment underneath this video. I can't say for sure ( except I can ) There is a QP Designs 30mm Fatality RTA in my vape mail, so we're probably going to set that up boosh 9,000. Of course beer, of course liquid tasting. I have some more old school grimmgreen action. Traveling once again back in time to 1999. I'll explain the whole story in the stream, but I have some pretty hilarious footage of my brother Bryan and I skiing. We fancied ourselves "trickers" but never really left the snow. Of course i'll pepper in some news and advocacy, we get to be mad at Mike Bloomberg again!