Weekly Zohar Study

Mishpatim 5782 (2022)



Parashat Mishpatim signals the 6th week of this era of spiritual work and transformation – SHoVaVIM, Initials of the names of the six Parashot describing The Exodus. This week's Parasha, the peak of the story of Mankind – arriving to the point of total cleansing continues with many details of legal issues to show that God is in the details. What is the secret for the removal of darkness and troubles? What is the formula for the creation of the big miracle everyone is waiting for? Corruption vs. Biblical Values, why is corruption so strong and how can we achieve victory of Light over Darkness? Live Kabbalah Team is wishing everyone success! Now! When the world is still in a dangerous place of uncertainty, it is time to reflect and look inside. This is the time to ask: Who is the person that I want to become and not: 'What are the things that I want to have? the places I want to travel, the deals I want to make'. This the time to stop our slavery to habits, belief systems and objects, the time to prepare oursel