Risen Church Nc

The Great Commission at Risen: Worship - Matthew 28:16-20



The Great Commission is an imperative that hangs over every Christian. Those who know Jesus are called to live their lives with an ultimate purpose of making Him known. However, for many different reasons the majority of Christians don't feel up to the task and wonder if this commission really applies to them. The main reason we miss the calling of the Great Commission is because we misunderstand the essence of it and how truly accessible and inviting it is. We often think that witnessing is where it begins and ends, but really the Great Commission begins with worship. Worship is the first essential step in fulfilling the Great Commission. When we engage in worship we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit's lead. When we understand that Jesus is worth EVERYTHING, we will live a life full of worship. Not only will we exalt God vertically, but our lives will overflow with His goodness and Gospel. A lifestyle of worship is what we need if we are going to begin making disciples. If we possess a worshipful sp