Jill On Money With Jill Schlesinger

Become an Intelligent Investor with Jason Zweig (Part One)



If you don’t know the name Jason Zweig, as a listener of the Better Off podcast, chances are you know his work. The “Intelligent Investor” column that you read every Saturday in the Wall Street Journal...yep, that’s his awesome work. I’ve been a fan of Jason’s for a long time, so it’s a no brainer that he’s on one of the early episodes of “Better Off.” And let me just say, it was no easy get! We, and when I say we I really mean Mark, the best producer in the world, have been going back and forth with Jason since last October trying to nail down a date. Was it worth it? Let’s just say that when we do interviews, Mark and I are acutely aware of how long they’re running. We try to keep them 30 minutes or less. Well, Jason was so good we kept him for nearly an hour. His knowledge and insight of the financial industry is so wide and deep that we decided that we needed to feature him in back-to-back episodes, a “Better Off” first! In part one of the interview we cover the power of index funds, the importan