Arts Interview With Nancy Kranzberg

287. Kristen Sorth: Director and CEO of the St. Louis County Library System



Kristen Sorth, Director and CEO of the St. Louis County Library System, stopped by to speak with Nancy about the goings on at the SLCL. ---- Among the happenings are the community outreach programs, including the diaper give-aways, and period supply give-aways for those that need them.---- Also discussed are the covid protocols and the ways the library has handled things during the pandemic, with curbside book programs, and online functions... as well as the massive renovation project happening within the system. ---- “I really believe I have the greatest job ever,” says Sorth, who celebrated 20 years with the St. Louis County Library in 2018. “All I have to do is walk into a branch and see the level of engagement between our staff and the community to know that all of our efforts are worth it.” When Sorth became Director in 2013 – the first woman to hold the title  for the library system – she took over management of its more than 650 employees and $50 million annual budget and faced an enormous task ahead –