Iron: The Official Podcast Of Sierra Bible Church Reno

The Spoils of Victory DISCUSSION - Sermon Q&A



Join Jacob, Karl, and Glen as they answer your guys' questions about Karl’s recent message: The Spoils of Victory.  If you haven't heard the message yet, you can hear it through our sermon podcast feed here: Be sure to send any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK to!  Quickly Find the Segments You'd Like To Listen to: 0:00 ► Introductions 1:12 ► Sermon Recap3:23 ◊ If God wouldn’t allow sick people to come before Him, does that mean that if we’re sick, we should be prohibited from approaching God or enjoying fellowship today?9:20 ◊ If keeping contagion outside of the camp wasn’t so health could be maintained nor was it about morality, why would we cancel the weekly gathering of Sierra Bible Church?13:04 ◊ What have been some of the most important spiritual victories that you have experienced since you have arrived at Sierra Bible Church?15:56 ◊ Why do you think that we are so prone to forget all the ways that God has worked in our lives?17:27 ◊ What are some ways