Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

343 - Wellbeing Starts with Values



Our values, whether core or acquired, are the source of  and means to our individual and collective well-being. #WellBeing will spring from our willingness to discover explore and live up to our own values in a mature way. Listen to learn my simple 3 step antidote to losing trust and respect with over certainty. It will enhance and expand well-being for your team, organization and community. Walk with me:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate where to focus. Try out The BIG SIX and learn about your personality tendencies. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation Follow or Connect with Me on LINKEDIN Additionally, check out my joint effort in the creation of a YouTube channel: Illuminate 2 Generate NEW episodes coming soon.