Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Jason Quitt on His “Strange” Encounters: OBE’s & Dream Journeys



Esoteric researcher and author Jason Quitt joins Higher Journeys to discuss strange encounters and the unseen elements of reality that include his own bizarre journeys with out of body experience, shadow person visits and “apocalyptic” visions. His own story presents a fascinating backdrop to what may be happening to millions around the world without them knowing it. What or who is influencing our reality, both in waking consciousness and in the dreamtime. Have our dreams and our thoughts been infiltrated by another “force?” And if so, what can we do to regain control of our own lives and destiny? Jason Quitt feels that we are constantly dealing with a multilevel, multidimensional influence that can present itself as external to us or even be manifestation of our own thoughts. #JasonQuitt #paranormal #consciousness Visit the website of Jason Quitt: http://www.thecrystalsun.com